Goodbye, Quaratine

These photos are part of my collection where I document my life living in isolation during the COVID pandemic. All of these photos were taken during my last semester in college.

I am interested in the theme of Nostalgia and the preservation of memory. I wonder whether I could ‘craft’ a nostalgic in the present. Nostalgia, to me, is like aged wine. Only time can tell which one will taste good or not. So crafting nostalgia in the present seems a little bit absurd. How can you tell which one will hit you with nostalgia in the future or not?

Here is my wine cellar of memories. I don’t know which ones will actually evoke nostalgia in my future self, so I’ll just leave them here for now.

Overall, I went for photos where I feel like my future self might be able to relate to. They are photos of items in which I use almost every day. They are landscapes I see from time to time.

By full written reflection is here.